Notting Hill is in my opinion the cutest neighbourhood of London. The pastel painted houses, the many small boutiques and cafes and its tranquility make Notting Hill perfect for a morning stroll on a sunny day followed by a great breakfast. It's definitely an area you should visit during daytime since there's not much going on in the evening. You should also not miss the Portobello Street Market on Portobello Street where you can find awesome antiques and gifts. Nearest underground stations are Notting Hill Gate or Bayswater. Here are some places I can recommend you in the area.
Granger & Co - My favourite breakfast spot in London! - 175 Westbourne Grove
Farm Girl - Great for breakfast - 59A Portobello Rd
Gail's Bakery - Nice bakery - 138 Portobello Rd
Restaurant 202 - Liked their breakfast, also good for lunch - 202 Westbourne Grove
Ottolenghi - London classic, grab a quick lunch - 63 Ledbury Rd
Honest Burger - My fav burger place in London - 189 Portobello Rd
London House Hotel - We stayed at this cute hotel. Prices are very reasonable and hotel is really good - 81 Kensington Gardens Square